Jewish/Israel Organizations: Israel Dance Institute
The Israeli Dance Institute is an independent non-profit educational organization that allows networking of the ever-growing population of Israeli dance enthusiasts in the United States, Israel and throughout the world. The spirit, warmth and exuberance generated by Israeli folk dance appeals to people of all backgrounds and has made Israeli folk dance an integral part of the international folk dance repertoire. The Israeli Dance Institute provides today's increased folk dance population with a comprehensive resource and information center, offering professional guidance and materials to teachers, community leaders and performing groups.
The activities of the Israeli Dance Institute engender a constant reaffirmation of identification with Israel and with Jewish roots, enhancing ties with Israel and within the American Jewish community itself. The Institute maintains a costume bank, is a resource for instructors and performers, aids summer camp Israeli culture caravans, maintains a library of Israeli folk dance music and a video library, and a website for Israeli cultural materials.
The Israeli Dance Institute fosters and coordinates an Israeli Dance Festival annually. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Israeli Folk Dance Festival and the Israeli folk dance movement in North America. Horati, this year's outstanding gala event at Hofstra University, (Long Island, New York), will bring together master teachers and choreographers from Israel and elsewhere, a Jewish dance historian and dance specialists for workshops and reunions. The finale will be Sunday, June 3, 2001, at 2:30 PM when over 25 groups will perform for the festival audience of Israeli dance lovers of all levels of skill. For information about the event of ror help in setting up dance groups, information on dance repertoire or teachers for your Israeli dance group, (real or prospective), contact , contact:
Ruth Goodman
Israeli Dance Institute
Tel: 212 983-4806, x144
Fax: 212 983-4084
Email: [email protected]