Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research
The Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research (formerly Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies) is an Israeli policy research center, established in 1978 as an independent, non-profit organization. Its mission is to provide policy makers and the public with accurate, relevant data, in-depth background materials, and up-to-date analyses of critical trends and strategic options on subjects of national importance. Institute research and analysis is designed to consider key issues facing Israel, to place them on the agenda of public debate, and to promote long-term planning and public involvement in the civic process. Materials are prepared by leading scholars as well as experienced practitioners in relevant fields. The Institute has particular expertise in issues related to the capital city of Jerusalem, the management of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the status of the environment in Israel. Its work in these areas is organized in four study areas: The Center for Jerusalem – The Teddy Kollek Center, The Center for Joint Israeli-Palestinian Studies, The Environmental Policy Center, and the Center for Industrial Technological Policy. Institute background papers and perspectives on the future of Jerusalem were central to the 1999–2000 peace negotiations led by Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
The institute was founded by Teddy Kollek, mayor of Jerusalem from 1965 to 1993, and chaired successively by scholars David Amiran (1978–1985), Amiram Gonen (1985–1989), and Abraham Friedman (1989–2002). Since 2002, it has been chaired by Yaacov Bar Siman Tov. From 1981, The Institute worked in close partnership with the Charles H. Revson Foundation in New York, which supports its initiatives and major projects. The Institute published approximately 20 books and reports a year; presented about 60 annual conferences and seminars; held press conferences to promote public awareness of key issues; and posted its data and selected policy research on its web site. Publications include The Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem (edited by Maya Choshen), Jerusalem and the Peace Process (a series edited by Ruth Lapidoth and colleagues), The Jerusalem Lexicon (edited by Amnon Ramon), Jerusalem’s Architecture (a series by David Kroyanker), and The War Over the Holy Places (by Shmuel Berkowitz).
Source: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.