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Children's Literature

This entry is arranged according to the following outline:


G. Bergson, Sheloshah Dorot be-Sifrut ha-Yeladim ha-Ivrit (1966); Z. Scharfstein, Yoẓerei Sifrut ha-Yeladim Shellanu (1947); M. Regev, Sifrut Yeladim Mahutah u-Veḥinoteha (1967). YIDDISH: Mark, in: JBA, 3 (1945), 139–41; Niger, in: School Almanac (1935), 188–95; Kazdan, in: Shul Pinkes (1948), 335–79. For English translations of children's literature from Hebrew, see Goell, Bibl, 90–97. ADD. BIBLIOGRAPHY: IN YIDDISH: A. Bar-El, Itonei Yeladim Yehudiim be-Polin: sikhum mehkar: kolel leksikon sofrim umeshorerim le-yeladim be-yidish (2002); idem, Bein ha-Eẓim ha-Yerakrakim: Itonei Yeladim be-Ivrit u-ve-Yidish be-Polin 1918–1919 (2005); D. Charney, in: Literarishe Bleter, 2 (20 Jan. 1939), 21–22; S. Niger, in, Shul-Almanakh (1935), 188–95; Kh.-Sh. Kazdan, in: Shul-Pinkes (1948), 335–79; Ch. Shmeruk, in: Di Goldene Keyt, 112 (1984), 39–53. HOLOCAUST LITERATURE: C. Bennett, & J. Gottsfeld, Anne Frank and Me (2001); G. Borchardt, Interview Reading Between the Lines at Event with Henry Weinstein, Los Angeles Times, Calendar Section (April 26, 2005); E. Bunting, Terrible Things (1980); A. Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl: The Critical Edition, D. Barnouw and G. van der Stroom (eds.), Arnold J. Pomerans and B.M. Mooyart-Doubleday (translators) (1989); G.W. Klein, All But My Life (1995); P. Levi, Survival in Auschwitz: The Nazi Assault on Humanity (1958); L. Lowry, Number the Stars (1989); R.H. Minear, Dr. Seuss Goes to War: The World War II Editorial Cartoons of Theodor Seuss Geisel (1999); U. Orlev, The Island on Bird Street (1984 [See also K. Shawn's Virtual Community, Real Life Connections: A Study of The Island on Bird Street via International Reading Project, in Samuel Totten (ed.), Teaching Holocaust Literature (2001.); R.M. Sender, The Cage (1986); K. Shawn, "What Should They Read and When Should They Read It?" in: Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies, 8:2 (1994), G1–G16 (See also "Choosing Holocaust Literature for Early Adolescents," in: Samuel Totten and Stephen Feinberg, (eds.), Teaching and Studying the Holocaust (2001), 139–55.); D. Sheridan, "Changing Business As Usual: Reader Response Theory in the Classroom," in: College English, 53:7 (November 1991), 804–14; A. Spiegelman, Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History (1973); idem, Maus II: A Survivor's Tale. And Here My Troubles Began (1986); Y. Suhl, Uncle Misha's Partisans (1973); N. Tec, Dry Tears. The Story of a Lost Childhood (1982); H. Volavkova, H. (ed.), I Never Saw Another Butterfly (1993); E. Wiesel, Legends of Our Time (1968); idem, Night (1960); S. Wiesenthal, The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness (1997); J. Yolen, The Devil's Arithmetic (1988); A. Zapruder, Salvaged Pages (2002).

Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.