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Illuminated Manuscripts, Hebrew

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References to books and articles which appear in L.A. Mayer, Bibliography of Jewish Art (1967), are quoted by referring to their number (e.g., Mayer, 2680). GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS AND HISTORIES can be found as early as 1778 in Tychsen (Mayer, 2674); D. Kaufmann, in: Mueller (Mayer, 1792), 255–311; M. Steinschneider (Mayer, 2524), 24–27; idem (Mayer, 2523), 326ff.; G. Margoliouth (Mayer, 1638); Frauberger (Mayer, 742); Leveen (Mayer, 1496); E.N. Adler (Mayer, 24, 25); R. Wischnitzer (Mayer, 2811/2846); Landsberger, in: C. Roth (Mayer, 2232), 377–454; J. Gutmann (Mayer, 2970) and B. Narkiss, Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts, Jerusalem (Encyclopaedia Judaica), 1969. CATALOGS OF COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITIONS: M.L. Genaro et al., Codici decorati e miniati dell' Ambrosiana, ebraici e greci (1959); Mayer, Art, index, S.V. names of towns and collections; E. Munkacsi (Mayer, 1818); B. Narkiss, Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts from Jerusalem Collections, The Israel Museum, Exhibition Catalog no. 40 (1967). HELLENISTIC MANUSCRIPTS: Mayer, Art, 1496 (J. Leveen); 2207 (C. Roth); 2775, 2776A (K. Weitzmann); 1900, 1901 (C.O. Nordström); 1071, 1073 (H.-L. Hempel); 2972 (J. Gutmann); C.R. Morey, Early Christian Art (1958); P. Romanoff, in: JQR, 26 (1935), 29–35. ORIENTAL ILLUMINATION: R. Hoering, British Museum Karaite Manuscripts… (1899); Mayer, Art, 2515 (Stassof); 669, 670, 670A (R. Ettinghausen); 2003 (R.H. Pinder Wilson and R. Ettinghausen, in P. Kahle); 1721 (M. Metzger); H. Yalon, in: KS, 30 (1954/55), 257–63 (Heb.). SPANISH ILLUMINATION: Mayer, Art, 56, 59 (Z. Ameisenowa); 3009C (S. Schwarz); 1868 (M. Narkiss); 2809, 2828, 2839, 2855 (R. Wischnitzer-Bernstein); 1728B (T. Metzger); 2204, 2205, 2210, 2221, 2227, 2228, 2229, 2235–37 (C. Roth); 2160, 2161, 2164 (H. Rosenau); 2969 (J. Gutmann); 2061 (S. Radojćić); 2302 (A. Scheiber); 1837A, 1096, 2991A (B. Narkiss); 2900 (F. Wormald); 360 (R. Edelman); C.O. Nordström, in: Synthronon, 2 (1968), 89–105; B. Narkiss, in: Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Jewish Studies; J. Gutmann, in: Art Journal, 27:2 (1967/68), 168–75; M. Metzger, in: Gesta, 6 (1966), 25–34 (Eng.); C. Roth, Gleanings (1967), 316–9; B. Narkiss, in: The Golden Haggadah, Introductory Volume (1970); idem, in: KS, 34 (1958/59), 71–79; 42 (1966/67), 104–7; M. Meiss, in: Journal of Walters Art Gallery, 4 (1941), 45–87. ASHKENAZI (FRENCH AND GERMAN) ILLUMINATION: Mayer, Art, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58 (Z. Ameisenowa); 1147 (B. Italiener); 2203 (C. Roth); 1866 (M. Narkiss); 1222A (E. Katz and B. Narkiss); 23, 2819, 2825, 2827 (R. Wischnitzer-Bernstein); 2975 (Birds' Head Haggadah); 523 (E. Roth); 1781, 1782 (E. Moses); 1431, 1433, 1435, 1438 (F. Landsberger); 992 (J. Gutmann); 1662, 1663 (A. Marx); 723 (M. Fooner); 2193 (C. Roth); 1760 (O. Mitius); 1130 (M.J. Husung); 2981 (O. Kurz); 2246 (S. Rothschild); 2846, 2876 (R. Wischnitzer-Bernstein); 857 (D. Goldschmidt); 2239 (E. Roth); 2991 (B. Narkiss); 2023 (J. Pinkerfeld); 72A (H.L.C. Jaffe and L. Fuks); Wischnitzer, in: MGWJ, 75 (1931), 69–71; idem, in: JQR, 25 (1934/35), 303–6; M. Lehrs, Geschichte und kritischer Katalog des deutschen, niederlaendischen und franzoesischen Kupferstichs im XV. Jahrhundert, 2 (1908) and 9 (1934); M. Geisberg, Der Meister E.S. und Israel van Meckenem (1924); A. and W. Cahn, in: Yale University Library Gazette, 41:4 (1967), 166–76, pls. 177–82; M. Metzger, in: Mélanges offerts à René Crozet (1966), 1237–53; L. Mortara Ottolenghi, in: Quaderni dell'Universitá di Geneva (1967). ITALIAN ILLUMINATION: Mayer, Art, 2318 (R. Schilling and G. Swarzenski); 735, 738, 742 (H. Frauberger); 2847 (R. Wischnitzer-Bernstein); 1814, 1818 (E. Munkácsi); 2206, 2223 (C. Roth); 2990A (Milan Exhibition); D. Kaufmann, in: Juedisches Volksblatt, 52 (1863; see AZDJ); idem, in: REJ, 36 (1898), 65–74; B. Narkiss, in: KS, 43 (1967/68), 285–300 (Heb.); idem, in: Ariel, 21 (1968), 51–59 (Eng.); M. Brizio, Catalogo delle cose d'Arte e di Antichità d'Italia (1933), 161–63, 3 reproductions; I. Levi, in: REJ, 89 (1930), 281–92; G. Maẓẓatinti, Inventario dei manoscritte della Biblioteca Rovigo (1893), 4, no. 5; C. Bernheimer, Paleografia Ebraica (1924). ADD. BIBLIOGRAPHY: GENERAL: L. Avrin, "Micrography as art," in: In Etudes de paléographie hébraïque (1981); I. Fishof, Jüdische Buchmalerei in Hamburg und Altona: Zur Geschichte der Illumination hebräischer Handschriften im 18. Jahrhundert (1999); L.S. Gold (ed.), A Sign and a Witness: 2,000 Years of Hebrew Books and Illuminated Manuscripts (1988); J. Gutmann, Hebrew Manuscript Painting (1978); idem, "Thirteen Manuscripts in Search of an Author: Joel ben Simeon, 15th-Century Scribe-Artist," in: Studies in Bibliography and Booklore, 9 (1970), 76–95; P. Hiat (ed.), A Visual Testimony: Judaica from the Vatican Library (1987); Jüdische Handschriften: restaurierin, bewahren, präsentieren (2002); K. Kogman-Appel, Jewish Book Art between Islam and Christianity: The Decoration of Hebrew Bibles in Medieval Spain (2004); M. Metzger, La Haggada enluminée (1973); T. Metzger, Les Manuscrits hébreux copies et decorés à Lisbonne dans les dernières décennies du XVe siècles (1977); T. and M. Metzger, Jewish Life in the Middle Ages (1982); V. Basch Moreen, Miniature Painting in Judaeo-Persian Manuscripts (1985); B. Narkiss, Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Isles: A Catalogue Raisonné., vol. I (in 2 parts): The Spanish and Portuguese Manuscripts (1982); C. Roth (ed.), Jewish Art: An Illustrated History (Rev. ed. by Bezalel Narkiss, 1971); A. Nachama and G. Sievernich (eds.), Jüdische Lebenswelten [vol. 2], Katalog (1991–92); S. Sabar, The Art of the Ketubbah, New York: Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary, forthcoming; idem, Ketubbah: Jewish Marriage Contracts of the Hebrew Union College Skirball Museum and Klau Library (1990); U. and K. Schubert, Jüdische Buchkunst, I (1983); U. Schubert, Jüdische Buchkunst, II (1992); G. Sed-Rajna, The Hebrew Bible in Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts (1987); idem, Le Maḥzor enluminé; les voies de formation d'une programme iconographique (1983); idem, Manuscrits hébreux de Lisbonne (1970); idem, Les Manuscrits hébreux enluminés des bibliothèques de France (1994); C. Sirat, Hebrew Manuscripts of the Middle Ages (2002); Y. Zirlin, "Celui qui se cache derrière l'image: Colophons des enlumineurs dans les manuscrits hébraiques," in: Revue des études juives, 155:1–2 (1996), pp. 33–53.


MEDIEVAL ILLUMINATION: The Ashkenazi Haggadah (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1985); The Barcelona Haggadah (London: Facsimile Editions, 1992); The Bird's Head Haggada, 2 vols. (Jerusalem: Tarshish Books, 1965–67); Il Canon Medicinae di Avicenna nella tradizione ebraica: Le miniature del manoscritto 2197 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna (Giuliano Tamani, ed. Padua: Editoriale Programma, 1988); Die Darmstädter Pessach-Haggadah, 2 vols. (Leipzig: K.W. Hiersmann, 1927); Die Darmstädter Pessach-Haggadah, 2 vols. (Berlin: Propyläen Verlag, 1971); The Golden Haggadah, 2 vols. (London: Eugrammia Press, 1970); Haggadah (German Sassoon Haggadah) (Zürich: Lichtdruck AG, 1985); Die Haggadah von Sarajevo (Vienna: Alfred Hölder, 1898); The Kaufmann Haggadah (Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1957); Kaufmann Haggáda (Budapest: Kultura International, 1990); Codex Maimuni: Moses Maimonides' Code of Law: The Illuminated Pages of the Kaufmann Mishneh Torah (Budapest: Corvina, c. 1984); The Kennicott Bible (London: Facsimile Editions, 1985); Machsor Lipsiae (Vaduz: Société pour le Commerce Intercontinental Trust, 1964); The Parma Psalter: A Thirteenth-Century Illuminated Hebrew Book of Psalms with a Commentary by Abraham Ibn Ezra (London: Facsimile Editions, 1996); The North French Hebrew Miscellany (London: Facsimile Editions, 2003); The Prato Haggadah (New York: The Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary (forthcoming); The Rothschild Maḥzor (New York: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1983); The Rothschild Miscellany (London: Facsimile Editions Ltd., 1988); The Rylands Haggadah: A Medieval Sephardi Masterpiece in Facsimile (New York: Abrams, 1988); The Sarajevo Haggadah (London: W.H. Allen, 1963); The Sarajevo Haggadah (Beograd: Prosveta, 1984); The Washington Haggadah: A Facsimile Edition of an Illuminated Fifteenth-Century Hebrew Manuscript at the Library of Congress Signed by Joel ben Simeon (Washington: Library of Congress, 1991); The Worms Maḥzor (London: Cyelar Publishing, 1985). POST-MEDIEVAL ILLUMINATION: The Book of Esther (Budapest: Helikon Publishing House, 1989); The Copenhagen Haggadah (Altona-Hamburg, 1739; Tel Aviv: Nahar Publishing, 1986); Grace after Meals and Other Benedictions (Copenhagen: Forlaget Old Manuscripts, 1969); Me'ah Berakhot (London: Facsimile Editions, 1994); Perek Shirah (London: Facsimile Editions, 1996); Pesah Haggadah (Ashkenaz, 1729; Tel Aviv: Nahar Publishing, 1985); Scroll of Esther: Facsimile Edition Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem (Tel Aviv: W. Turnowsky, 1997);The Rosenthaliana Leipnik Haggadah (Tel Aviv: W. Turnowsky, 1987); Die Von Gelderen Haggadah (Vienna and Munich: Verlag Christian Brandstätter, 1997).

Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.