Ya’akov Tzur
(1937 - )
Ya’akov Tsur was born in Haifa in 1937 and has been a member of Kibbutz Netiv Halamed-Heh since 1957. A teacher by profession, he holds a B.A. degree in Judaic studies.
Between 1976 and 1980, he served as the Secretary-General of the United Kibbutz Movement.
Tsur was a Member of Knesset from 1981 until 1992. He served on the Committees on Education and Culture as well as Foreign Affairs and Defense (1981-84). Between 1984 and 1988 he was the Minister of Immigrant Absorption, and in 1988-90 was as Minister of Health. He subsequently served on the Knesset Committees on Immigration and Absorption, and Economy (1990-92).
From 1992-1996 he served as Minister of Agriculture in Yitzhak Rabin's government despite having lost his seat in Knesset in the 1992 elections.
Sources: Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs