Stanislław Wygodzki
WYGODZKI, STANISLŁAW (1907–1992), Polish poet and author. Born in Bedzin, where his father, Isaac Wygodzki, was a leading Polish Zionist, Wygodzki was attracted to Communism in his youth and in 1925 was condemned to two years' imprisonment for his political activities. He began his literary career in 1928 with contributions to the literary weekly Wiadomości Literackie, later writing for Głos Literacki, Miesięcznik Literacki, and other periodicals. Wygodzki's first verse collection appeared in Moscow in 1933. During World War II he was deported from the Bedzin ghetto to Auschwitz, where he managed to survive until the liberation. In 1947 Wygodzki returned to Poland and resumed his literary work. He published many volumes of poetry and prose, including Pamiętnik miłości ("Diary of Love," 1948), W kotlinie ("In the Dell," 1949), Widzenie ("Encounter," 1950), Pusty plac ("Empty Square," 1955), and Koncert życeń ("Request Concert," 1960). Wygodzki's works reflect his deep concern for the fate of his fellow-men, their moral purity and strength, and his struggle against social evils. His books were translated into many languages. Wygodzki also published translations from Yiddish literature including (Sholem *Asch). Zatrzymany do wyjaśnienia ("Detained for Explanation") which, confiscated in Poland in 1957, appeared in Israel (in Hebrew) in 1968. He emigrated to Israel in that year. He was the Encyclopaedia Judaica departmental editor (first edition) for Polish literature.
Pinkas Bendin (Heb., 1959), index; W. Sadkowski, Penetracje i komentarze (1967), 134–45; Kultura, 11 no. 254 (Pol., 1968), 70.
Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.