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TIENTSIN, city in Hopeh province, N. China. Before 1917 there were less than ten Jewish families in Tientsin. Refugees from Russia swelled this number until by 1939 there were between 2,000 and 2,500 Jews there, including between 50 and 100 from America and various parts of Europe. The Tientsin Jews generally engaged in commerce, though a few were physicians, teachers, or consular officials. The community had its own synagogue, a Jewish school, and four short-lived journals established between 1930 and 1939. Among them was the weekly supplement Yevreyskaya Stranitsa ("The Jewish Page") of the Russian daily Nash Golos ("Our Voice"). With the advent of Communism after World War II all Jews left Tientsin.


H. Dicker, Wanderers and Settlers in the Far East (1962), index.

Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.