Stella McCartney
(1971 - )
Stella McCartney is a Jewish English fashion designer and daughter of Beatles member Sir Paul McCartney.
McCartney (born September 13, 1971) was born in London, England, the second child of Paul and American photographer Linda. As a girl, Stella travelled around the world with her parents and later attended London's Central St. Martin's College of Art and Design and her graduation featured supermodels Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell wearing her designer clothes down the runway. She had experience in the world of fashion well before college, however, having been an apprentice under Christian Lacroix and working on Savile Row.
In 1997 Chloe, a French fashion house, hired her as head designer. Many believed the appointment to be a publitity stunt, but Stella proved herself and continued to work there until 2001, when she started her own clothes brand under Gucci.
McCartney married British publisher Alasdhair Willis in August 2003. The couple has four children.
In an interview with British Glamour magazine Stella claimed her Jewish identity: "My Mum was Jewish," she says. "Maybe I'm a really bad Jew because I'm always so excited to say that I am , but I don't live and breathe the religion."
Sources: The Forward (December 27, 2002) and Vogue