Samuel Dickstein
(1885 - 1954)
DICKSTEIN, Samuel, a Representative from New York; born near Vilna, Russia, February 5, 1885; immigrated to the United States in 1887 with his parents, who settled in New York City; attended public and private schools in New York City, the College of the City of New York, and was graduated from the New York City Law School in 1906; was admitted to the bar in 1908 and commenced the practice of law in New York City; special deputy attorney general of the State of New York 1911-1914; member of the board of aldermen in 1917; member of the State assembly 1919-1922; served as a member of the Democratic county committee; elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-eighth and to the eleven succeeding Congresses and served from March 4, 1923, until his resignation on December 30, 1945; chairman, Committee on Immigration and Naturalization (Seventy-second through Seventy-ninth Congresses); judge of the New York State Supreme Court until his death in New York City, April 22, 1954; interment in Union Field Cemetery, Queens County, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Sources: Biographical Dictionary of the United States Congress