Rose Luria Halprin
HALPRIN, ROSE LURIA (c. 1895–1978), U.S. Zionist leader, born in New York City of a traditional Jewish family. She studied Hebrew and attended the Teachers' Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Hunter College, and Columbia University. Rose Halprin served as president of Hadassah during 1932–34 and 1947–51. During 1934–39 she lived in Palestine, where she was Hadassah's Palestine correspondent. She was Hadassah's first representative to the Zionist General Council from 1939 to 1946. In 1946 she was elected to the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine and continued in that office for more than 20 years. In 1955 she became acting chairman and from 1960 to 1968 she was chairman of the American Section of the Jewish Agency. During her Hadassah career, Rose Halprin served in many capacities. She was a member of the Board of Governors of the United Jewish Appeal and of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Sources:[Gladys Rosen]
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