Rachel Beer
BEER, RACHEL (Richa; 1858–1927), owner and editor of the Sunday Times, London, 1893–1904. Rachel Beer was born in Bombay, the daughter of Sasson David *Sassoon and Flora (Farḥa) Reuben of Baghdad. She was an infant when the family settled in England. In an age which afforded women little scope, she displayed both character and talent. For two years she worked as an unpaid hospital nurse, and in 1887 married Frederick Arthur Beer, owner of the Observer. She became
C. Roth, The Sassoon Dynasty (1941); B. Falk, Bouquets for Fleet Street (1951). ADD. BIBLIOGRAPHY: D. Griffiths (ed.), Encyclopedia of the British Press, 1422–1992 (1992), 98; S. Jackson, The Sassoons: Portrait of a Dynasty (1998); C. Bermant, The Cousinhood (1961), index; ODNB online.
Source: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2008 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.