Jimmy Carter Administration: Statement with Sadat & Begin on Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty
(March 25, 1979)
At the convening of the Camp David summit meeting we issued a communication which stated in part—"Conscious of the grave issues which face us, we place our trust in the God of our fathers from whom we seek wisdom and guidance. We request people of all faiths to pray with us that peace and justice will result from these deliberations."
Our trust in God was well-placed. On Monday, a treaty of peace will be signed between Egypt and Israel within the framework of a comprehensive peace settlement in the area. We are grateful to the people around the world who joined us in prayer. We now ask people of all faiths to join again in a day of prayer and thanksgiving for what has been accomplished, and then ask God to guide our nations in the days ahead as we continue to work for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace. With God's help, we and generations to come will know peace between our peoples. To this end, we ask that Monday, March 26, be a day of prayer around the world.
Sources: Public Papers of the President