Rocket Threat to Israel: Photographs of Rocket Attacks
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Garage in Sderot hit by a short-range rocket fired from Gaza (Jan. 17, 2008)
A home that took a direct hit in Sderot (Jan. 16, 2008)
Doctors treating 8-year-old Osher Twito after a Qassam rocket severely injured his legs, which later had to be amputated (Feb. 9, 2008)
Family home in Sderot struck by a Kassam rocket (Feb. 8, 2008)
Helping victims of Hamas terror attack
Child stands next to the rubble of his house
Ashkelon boy cries after Hamas rockets destroy his house
Magen David Adom responds to rocket attacks in the south
Destroyed home of elderly resident
Children hide under their desks as sirens sound in the Negev cities
Sderot resident stands next to his damaged house
Residents in retirement community survey the rubble left of their former house
Elderly man hurt in rocket attack is taken to the hospital
A mother covers her child as rockets are fired into her town
Sources: Images courtesy of The Israel Project; Edi Israel, The Embassy of Israel, Israel Defense Forces