Paul Heyse
(1830 - 1914)
Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse was born in Berlin, Germany on March 15, 1830. Before receiving his doctorate at Bonn University in 1852, Heyse studied Romance and classical philology and literature at Berlin University. After college, Heyse traveled throughout Italy, continuing and deepening his knowledge of Romance studies and creative writing.
In 1854, King Maximilian II of Bavaria presented Heyse with the opportunity to be a part of the royal order of poets, writers, and scholars in Munich. This group of intellectuals had an increasing sensation for writing in idealism and classical conventions of romance, folktales, and myths. Unfortunately, within a few short years Heyse was surpassed by new writers of impressionism and realism.
Heyes’ first story was Der Jungbrunnen. His first published tragedy was Francesca Da Rimini, printed in 1850. Two of Heyse’s most renowned novels include L’arrabbiata (The Fury), completed in 1857, and Kinder der Welt (Children of the World), published in 1873. During his lifetime, Heyse wrote more than 100 novels. He became considered an honored and prominent writer of short stories.
Heyes received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1910.
Paul Heyes died on April 2, 1914, at the age of 84.
Sources: “Paul Heyse Autobiography”; Pegasos; Wikipedia