Tulo Nussenblath
NUSSENBLATH, TULO (1895–1943), researcher into *Herzl's life. Born in Stryj, Galicia, Nussenblath was an officer in the Austrian army in World War I. After the war he studied law in Vienna, but instead of working as a lawyer he engaged in historical study, concentrating in particular on the life of Theodor Herzl. He published his findings in three books: Zeitgenossen ueber Herzl (1929), a collection of contemporary records; Ein Volk unterwegs zum Frieden (1933), about the endeavors to found a peace movement, which includes Herzl's correspondence with the Zionist sympathizer Berta von Suttner; and Herzl Jahrbuch (1937), which was intended to become a regular annual for researches concerning Herzl's life and era, based primarily on documents not yet published. After the German occupation of Austria in 1938, Nussenblath was expelled to Poland, and when it too was conquered by the Germans, he lived in the Warsaw Ghetto, working there as a communal leader. In the spring of 1943 he was taken to a concentration camp, where he was murdered.
N. Eck (Eckron), Ha-To'im be-Darkhei ha-Mavet (1960), 228–33; N. Kudish et al., Sefer Stryj (1962), 120–1.
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