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Nayef Hawatmeh (Abul Nouf)

(1937 - )

Nayef Hawatmeh was born in 1937 in Salt, Jordan, to a Christian Bedouin tribe; in the 1950s and 60s activist in the Arab National Movement; in 1955/56 teacher, writer and journalist in Jordan; graduated from Beirut University (BA, Philosophy and Psychology); member of George Habash's PFLP in early years, but split and formed the leftist Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PDFLP; later known as DFLP) in 1968; became and remained elected chairman and main representative of the DFLP to the PNC and PLO Executive Commitee since; known for early attempts to reach dialogue and contact with Israeli leftist groups on the base of a two-state-solution and UN resolutions 242 and 194; wrote several books on the Palestinian Resistance Movement and other issues.

Sources: PASSIA