Daniele Manin
(1804 – 1857)
Daniele Manin was an Italian patriot. Manin's father belonged to the Jewish Medina family who had been converted to Christianity. In 1848, he became president of the revived Venetian Republic and was ultimately appointed dictator.
The revolutionary government which he headed distinguished itself by its moderation and financial profits. His cabinet included two Jews: Leon Pincherle as minister of agriculture and Isaac Pesaro Maurogonato as minister of commerce. After leading fruitlessly the heroic resistance of the city in the long siege by the Austrians, he went into exile in Paris, where he died.
G.M. Trevelyan, Manin and the Venetian Revolution (1923); C. Roth, Venice (1930), 364–6; Milano, Italia, 363; A. Ottolenghi, in: RMI, 5 (1930/31), 25–35. ADD. BIBLIOGRAPHY: P. Galletto, La vita di Daniele Manin e l'epopea veneziana del 1848–49 (1999); E. Padova, Daniele Manin lo chiamava il 'mago': saggi (1999); E. Capuzzo, "Gli ebrei e la rivoluzione di Venezia, 1848–49," in: Costituenti e Costituzioni (2002), 427–42.
Source: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.