LICHTSTEIN, ABRAHAM JEKUTHIEL ZALMAN BEN MOSES JOSEPH (second half of 18th century), Polish rabbi. Lichtstein served as av bet din of Plonsk (Warsaw district). He was the author of Zera Avraham, an extensive commentary to the Sifrei (pt. 1 to Numbers, Dyhrenfurth, 1811; pt. 2 to Deuteronomy, Radzivil, 1820). It gives the source references to biblical verses in the text under the title Mikra Meforash, and to talmudic parallels, under the title Mevo ha-Talmud. The work was completed in 1788, but was published posthumously by his son Moses, who also added the glosses of a Jerusalem manuscript by a Sephardi scholar as well as his own additions. Lichtstein's introduction to the Divrei Kohelet (Nowy Dwor, 1785) of his son Solomon, who died in his youth, was also published by Moses. It contains expositions of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah, novellae on the laws of *terefah and the Talmud, a eulogy of his son called Emek ha-Bakha, and novellae by Moses called Darash Moshe.
A. Walden, Shem ha-Gedolim he-Ḥadash, 1 (1864), 2b no. 47; 2 (1864), 14b no. 29; S. Wiener, Kohelet Moshe (1918), 272 no. 2237; S. Hazan, Ha-Ma'alot li-Shelomo (1899), 29a; Sifri … im Be'ur … Emek ha-Neẓiv me'et … N.Z.J. Berlin, 1 (1959), 325n.
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