Leon H. Keyserling
KEYSERLING, LEON H. (1908–1987), U.S. economist. Born in Charleston (South Carolina), after a short period of teaching at Columbia University Keyserling became, in 1933, Legislative Assistant to Senator Robert F. Wagner. He then served as a consultant to numerous Senate committees on banking, taxation, monetary policy, public works, housing, labor relations, social security, and employment. Under the Truman administration he was chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers. He was frequently consulted by Israel government agencies. Keyserling's main economic interests were the fields of employment and production, and his numerous publications included The Federal Budget and the General Welfare (1959); Food and Freedom (1960); Poverty and Deprivation in the United States (1962); Progress and Poverty (1964); and Role of Wages in a Great Society (1966). His wife, MARY DUBLIN KEYSERLING (1900–1997), who was born in New York City, was a professional economist, connected with federal agencies in the United States.
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