John F. Kennedy Administration: Policy on Israel’s Nuclear Program
John F. Kennedy Administration: Kennedy Administration: Table of Contents
- Kennedy Letter to Eshkol Regarding Visits to Dimona (August 26, 1963)
- Memo on Israeli Offer for Dimona Inspections (August 23, 1963)
- Kennedy Letter to Eshkol Regarding Dimona (July 4, 1963)
- Kennedy Asks Ben-Gurion to Facilitate Visits to Dimona (June 15, 1963)
- Kennedy Letter to Ben-Gurion Regarding Visit to Dimona (May 18, 1963)
- High-Level Disscussions of Israel's Nuclear Energy Program (May 13, 1963)
- Kennedy Wants Semi-Annual Visits to Dimona (May 10, 1963)
- Ben-Gurion's Reply Regarding Dimona Visits (May 29, 1963)
- Ben-Gurion Agrees to Dimona Visits (June 12, 1963)
- The Advanced Weapons Programs of the UAR and Israel (April 11, 1963)
- U.S. Opposes Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East (April 3, 1963)
- Memo on Kennedy’s Proposals Re: Middle Eastern Nuclear Capabilities (March 26, 1963)
- Rusk, McCone Discuss Israeli Nuclear Program (March 26, 1963)
- Israeli and UAR Nuclear Capabilities (March 22, 1963)
- CIA Memo on Consequences of Israel Acquiring a Nuclear Capability (March 6, 1963)
- Scientists Find No Evidence of Nuclear Weapons at Dimona Reactor (October 31, 1962)
- Nuclear Engineer Reports on Visit to Israel (February 9, 1961)
- U.S. Seeks to Impede Israel’s Nuclear Development (August 30, 1961)
- Kennedy Prepped on Dimona, Soviet Declaration for Ben-Gurion Visit (May 29, 1961)
- U.S. Scientists’ Visit to Israel's Dimona Reactor (May 26, 1961)
- Israeli Invitation for American Dimona Visit (April 10, 1961)
- Harman Reviews Issues on Nuclear Weapons & Johnston Plan (February 24, 1961)
- U.S. Nuclear Engineer Reports on Israeli Nuclear Program (February 9, 1961) [PDF]
- U.S. Expresses Concern About Dimona Reactor (February 3, 1961)
- U.S. Position Concerning Dimona Reactor (January 9, 1961)
- Implications of the Acquisition by Israel of a Nuclear Weapons Capability (January 31, 1961) [PDF]
- Letter on Israeli Policy Pertaining to the Dimona Reactor (January 19, 1961)
- Memo on Israel's Claim Regarding Nuclear Activities (January 30, 1961)