Jews in Nazi-Occupied Countries: Hungary
- Arrow Cross Party
- British War Cabinet Discusses Offer to Allow Jews to Leave Hungary (August 8, 1944)
- Camps in Hungary and Slovakia [map]
- Confidential Instructions for the Mayors of the Ghetto Centers Concerning the Deportation of the Hungarian Jews
- Decree Concerning the Ghettoization of Hungarian Jewry
- Decree On the Establishment of the Budapest Ghetto
- A Demarche of Diplomats of the Neutral Countries to the Hungarian Government on Behalf of the Jewish Children
- Gendarmes, Policemen, Functionaries and the Jews - New Findings on the Behavior of Hungarian Authorities During the Holocaust
- Goebbels on the “Jewish Program” in Hungary
- Gruenbaum Urges American Consul General in Palestine To Recommend Bombing Camps
- Hungarian Jews Arrive at Birkenau [Photo]
- Instructions for the Registration of the Jews of Hungary
- Jewish Agency Receives Offer to Trade Jews for Trucks
- Jewish Council Protests Anti-Jewish Measures in Northeastern Hungary
- Jews of Hungary Imploring Prime Minister Sztojay to Act on Behalf of Hungarian Jewry
- Johnson Message to Hull Regarding Assignment of Wallenberg to Budapest
- Minutes of Meeting Between Jewish Council Delegation and Eichmann
- Oulo Beces Synagogue Vanadalized [Photo]
- Rabbi Announces Deportation of Hungarian Jewry
- Report Citing Eichmann on Evacuation of Budapest Jews (11/13/44) [pdf]
- Summary of Foreign Schemes for Rescuing or Assisting Hungarian Jews
- Zionists Debate Rescue of Hungarian Jews