Gruenbaum Urges American Consul General in Palestine To Recommend Bombing Camps
Report on conversation between Comrade Y. Gruenbaum and Mr. Pinkerton, the American Consul General in Palestine, at the American Consulate in Jerusalem.
...Comrade Gruenbaum changed the subject to the matter of Hungary. He described the situation as it was depicted in the latest reports that had arrived. He dwelled mainly on the deportation of Jews from Hungary to Poland and stressed the danger that awaits these Jews, whom the Germans have begun to banish and persecute as they did those in Poland. He proposed: a) that Hungary be given a grave warning (the consul took note of this matter in order to forward it to Washington) and b) that the American Air Force be instructed to bomb the death camps in Poland. Hearing this, Mr. Pinkerton remarked, “Wouldn't that result in the death of many Jews? And wouldn't German propaganda spread reports that the Americans, too, are abetting the extermination of the Jews?”
Comrade Gruenbaum replied that he nevertheless thought it desirable, because the Jews who were being gathered in the death camps were doomed in any case. Perhaps some of them would manage to escape in the chaos that the bombardment would create. Furthermore, it cost the Germans money and labor to establish these camps; their destruction might disrupt the mass slaughter, and the Germans would not be able to build similar camps in the future. Finally, bombing the camps might kill some of the camp guards.
After a brief argument about the proposal, Mr. Pinkerton said he would not forward it to Washington and suggested to Mr. Gruenbaum that he present it in writing.
Comrade Gruenbaum then proposed that they bomb the railroad line between Budapest and Poland. Mr. Pinkerton promised to forward this proposal to his government.
Source: Yad Vashem