JARBLUM, MARC (1887–1972), Zionist leader. Born in Warsaw, Jarblum was one of the founders of Po'alei Zion in Poland and also engaged in underground activity, for which he was repeatedly jailed. He moved to Paris in 1907 and completed his law studies there. From the time of his arrival in Paris he gradually became one of the most prominent public figures in the Po'alei Zion movement, the Zionist movement, and in French Jewry. He was especially active in the period between the two world wars. Jarblum was responsible for winning over Léon *Blum and the leaders of the Second (Socialist) International – *Jaurès, Vandervelde, and others – to the Zionist cause. For years he filled public positions – as the representative of Socialist Zionism at the Second International, as representative of the *Jewish Agency in Paris, president of the Zionist Federation and chairman of the Federation of Jewish Organizations in France, as head of the Socialist Zionist movement and editor of its organs, etc. During World War II, Jarblum lived in the unoccupied zone of France and was engaged in underground activities there and, from 1943, in Switzerland. He returned to France after the war and continued his public activities. Jarblum played a special role in securing the French vote for the UN resolution on the partition of Palestine (November 1947). Jarblum lived in Tel Aviv from 1955 and worked in the political department of the *Histadrut there. He published numerous pamphlets on current affairs in Yiddish and in French. Among his works are The Socialist International and Zionism (1933, with introd. by E. Vandervelde); Le Destin de la Palestine juive de la Déclaration Balfour 1917 au Livre Blanc 1939 (1939); Ils habiteront en sécurité (1947); and La Lutte des Juifs contre les Nazis (1945).
LNYL, 4 (1961), 223–6; Davar (Feb. 26, 1967); Yiddisher Kemfer (March 24, 1967).
Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.