Henriette Fuerth
FUERTH, HENRIETTE (1861–1938), German social worker. Fuerth was born in Katzenstein, Germany. Herself the mother of 11 children, she was one of the founders of the Mother's Welfare Movement, an organization which concerned itself with family and health problems affecting mothers and their families. She established and directed the Organization for the Prevention of Venereal Diseases. Interested in politics as a means of achieving her welfare goals, she served for nine years as a socialist member of the Frankfurt City Council.
She wrote a great number of books and articles on social welfare, especially in relation to working women, sexual problems in society, and population policy. Among her works are Staat und Sittlichkeit (1912), Die soziale Bedeutung der Kaeufersitten (1917), Kulturideale und Frauentum (1906).
Sources:H. Krohn, "'Du sollst dich niemals beugen' – Henriette Fuerth – Frau, Jueden, Sozialistin," in: P. Freimark (ed.), Juden in Deutschland (1991), 326–43; A. Epple, Henriette Fuerth und die deutsche Frauenbewegung im deutschen Kaiserreich (1996); I. Schroeder, Grenzgängerinnen – Jüdische Sozialreformerinnen in der Frankfurter Frauenbewegung um 1900 (2001).
[Joseph Neipris]
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