Guy Hever
(1977 - )

Guy Hever is an Israel Defense Forces soldier who is currently missing in action.
Hever (born May 30, 1977) was born in Nahariya, a city in northern Israel on the Mediterranean Sea, to Rina and Eitan and is the brother of Or and Shir. On August 17, 1997, while in the Golan Heights, Hever disappeared. Wearing his IDF fatigues and carrying his weapon, military dogtags and international military identification papers (Geneva Convention Card), Hever was never found and was thought to have been kidnapped.
On February 13, 2007, a Syrian organization - The Resistance Committees for the Release of the Golan Heights - claimed to be holding Hever as a hostage, but the statement's credibility is in doubt since other organizations have also claimed to be holding Hever.
In July 2009, Israel began a diplomatic campaign to identify the whereabouts of Hever and asked Syria, via Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, to hand over any relevant information.
Sources: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs; International Coalition for Missing Israeli Soldiers; Wikipedia