GABBAI, family of Hebrew printers. ISAAC BEN SOLOMON (b. second half of 16th century) lived in Leghorn and was the author of the Mishnah commentary Kaf Naḥat (appended to Mishnah, ed. Venice, 1614). Early in the 17th century he worked as a typesetter for *Bragadini in Venice. His son JEDIDIAH acquired the Bragadini type and decorations and set up the first Hebrew press in *Leghorn, which was active there from 1650 to 1660, issuing a number of important works. With part of the equipment and staff of this press, Jedidiah's son ABRAHAM in 1657 established a printing house in Smyrna, which existed until 1675. Abraham himself moved to Constantinople in 1660, where he was a printer for a number of years. His corrector (proofreader) was SOLOMON BEN DAVID GABBAI – probably not of the same family – author of the kabbalistic work Me'irat Einayim (between 1660 and 1665) and a theological work Ta'alumot Ḥokhmah (Bodleian Library, Ms. Opp. 602).
Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.