Files Added In November 2005
Myths & Facts Online — Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict [Updated] Click HERE to order. Now available in Hebrew!
Israel on Campus Hotline
- Anti-Semitism & Responses
- The Arab/Muslim World
- Egyptians Responsible for Assassination of Anwar Sadat Released
- Palestinian Views on Political/Religious Factions [Updated]
- Sunni Islam
- Wahabbism
- Palestinian Opinion on the Post-Arafat Era [Updated]
- Views on the Palestinian Infrastructure and Political System [Updated]
- Archaeology
- Ancient Inscription of Alphabet Discovered Near Jerusalem
- Archaeologists Uncover the “Oldest Church” in Israel
- Jerusalem - Water Systems of Biblical Times [Updated]
- Jerusalem: An Inscribed Pomegranate from the Solomonic Temple a Forgery
- Biography
- Fact Sheets
- History
- Holocaust
- Photographs (WARNING: Photos may have graphic images)
- Israel
- Magen David Adom [Updated]
- Index Ranks Israel Most Democratic
- Ilana Goor Museum
- The Dissolution of the 16th Knesset
- Ariel Sharon Forms New Political Party
- Potential Threats To Israel: Iran [Updated]
- Leaders of Mapai/Avoda (Labor) [Updated]
- Beit Miriam Museum
- Bialik House
- Weizmann Institute of Science [Updated]
- Israeli Attitudes Toward Democracy [Updated]
- Polls on Unilateral Measures [Updated]
- Israeli Opinion Regarding Peace with the Palestinians [Updated]
- The Thirtieth Government of Israel [Updated]
- Judaism
- Peace Process
- Israel Turns Over Gaza Water Processing Facility to Palestinians
- Israel, Palestinians Agree on Two Documents on Movement, Access
- Keeping Track of the Road Map [Updated]
- Israel, PA Sign Agreement to Establish Joint Transportation Office
- Joint Israeli-Palestinian Statement on Establishment of Joint Committees
- Review
- Terrorism’s Human Face, review of Paradise Now
- Terrorism
- United Nations
- U.S.-Israel Relations
- Bundy and Ball Discuss Situation in Jordan
- Conversation with Nasser About Israeli Missiles, Johnson Plan
- Responding to Israeli Security Guarantee Requests
- Report on Johnson-Peres Meeting
- Congress Approves FY2006 Foreign Aid Bill
- Palestinian Refugee Item in UN, Relations with Arabs
- Special Political Committee Debate on Refugees
- American Attitudes Toward the Middle East [Updated]
- Public Attitudes Toward the Peace Process [Updated]
- The Virtual Jewish History Tour