Donald Glaser
(1926 - 2013)
Donald Glaser was a Jewish American physicist and the winner of the 1960 Nobel Prize in Phyics.
Glaser (born September 21, 1926; died February 28, 2013) was born in Cleveland and completed his Bachelor of Science degree in physics and mathematics from Case School of Applied Science in 1946. He recieved his Ph.D. in physics from the California Insitute of Technology in 1949. From 1949 to 1959, Glaser taught at the University of Michign before joining the facuty at the University of California, Berkeley in 1959.
Mapping the movements of high-speed atomic particles was imprecise until this physicist developed an innovative approach to nuclear tracking. My modifying the way in which conventional cloud chambers trace the paths of particles, he invented the bubble chamber which is today the basic tool for plotting subatomic motion. His work won a 1960 Nobel Prize for Physics.
Glaser died in his sleep on February 28, 2013 in California. He was 86 years old.