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Directives by Lohse Concerning the Jews

The Reichskommissar for Ostland

IIa 4



Provisional Directives for the treatment of Jews in the area of the Reichskommissariat Ostland.

The final solution of the Jewish question in the area of the Reichskommissariat Ostland will be in accordance with the instructions in my address of July 27, 1941, in Kovno.

Insofar as further measures are taken, particularly by the Security Police, to carry out my verbal instructions, they will not be affected by the following provisional directives. It is merely the purpose of these provisional directives to assure that where, and as long as, further measures for the final solution are not possible, minimum measures will be taken by the Generalkommissare or Gebietskommissare.

I. a. For the time being only such Jews who are citizens of the German Reich, the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, of the former Republics of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, of the U.S.S.R. or of its component states, or stateless Jews, will be subject to these directives.

I. b. Other Jews of foreign citizenship, Mischlinge, and spouses of Jews who do not wish to share the fate of their Jewish spouses, will be denied permission to leave the area of R.K. [Reichskommissariat] Ostland as it is a military area. They are to be kept under surveillance. In addition they may be subjected to the following [measures] among others: Obligation to report daily, a ban on moving [from their place of residence], assignment to a specific dwelling, a ban on leaving the city area, limitations on moving about. If necessary they may be taken into police custody until a further decision is made.

II. A Jew is a person descended from at least three grandparents who are fully Jewish by race.

In addition, a Jew is a person descended from one or two grandparents Jewish by race, if he

a) belongs or belonged to the Jewish religious community, or

b) on June 20, 1941, or subsequently, was married to, or living in

common-law marriage with, a person who is Jewish within the

definition of these directives, or who now or in the future enters

into such a relationship.

III. In case of doubt, the Gebietskommissar or Stadtskommissar will decide who is a Jew in accordance with his best judgment and within the definition of these directives.

IV. The Generalkommissar in whose areas a civil administration has been introduced will provide immediately for the following:

a) The Jews are to be registered by means of an order to report by name, sex, age and address. The records of the Jewish Communities can be used as a further basis for the registration, as well as the statements of reliable local residents.

b) It will be decreed that Jews identify themselves by the wearing of constantly visible yellow six-cornered stars, at least 10 cms. across, on the left side of the chest and in the center of the back.

c) The following is forbidden to Jews:

1. To move from their locality or change their place of residence without the permission of the Gebietskommissar or Stadtskommissar.

2. The use of sidewalks, public transportation...and automobiles.

3. The use of recreational facilities and institutions serving the public (resort areas and bathing facilities, parks and open spaces, playgrounds and athletic fields).

4. To attend theaters or movie houses, libraries, or museums.

5. To attend schools of any type.

6. To possess automobiles or radios.

7. [Kosher] slaughtering.

d) Jewish doctors and dentists may treat or advise Jewish patients only. Where ghettos or camps are set up they will be distributed through them for the care of the inmates.

Jewish druggists are permitted to practice their profession only in ghettos and camps, according to need. Drugstores previously managed by Jews are to be transferred, under trusteeship, to Aryan druggists.

Jewish veterinarians are forbidden to practice their profession.

e) Jews are forbidden the exercise of the professions and occupations listed below:

1. Attorney-at-law...

2. Banking, money-changing and pawnbroking.

3. Middleman and agents.

4. Trade in real estate.

5. Traveling peddlers.

f) The following is decreed for the handling of Jewish property:

1. General:

The property of the Jewish population is to be confiscated and placed in safekeeping....

2. Compulsory Registration:

All Jewish property is to be registered....

3. Compulsory Surrender:

Jewish property is to be surrendered on special demand. The demand may be made by general proclamation or by order to certain individuals.

The Generalkommissare will order the immediate surrender of the following by proclamation:

a) Local and foreign currency.

b) Securities...

c) Valuables of all kinds (coins and gold and silver bullion, other precious metals, jewelry, precious stones, etc.).

4. For their subsistence, the Jewish population may retain:

a) Household items needed for minimum requirements (furniture, clothing, linens).

b) A daily sum of money amounting to 0.20 RM (2 Rubles) for every Jewish member of the household. The money to be released one month in advance.

V. The following further measures are to be strived for vigorously, with due consideration for local, and particularly economic, conditions.

a) The countryside is to be cleansed of Jews.

b) The Jews are to be removed from all trade, and especially from trade in agricultural products and other foodstuffs.

c) The Jews are to be forbidden residence in localities that are of economic, military or ideological importance, and also in resorts and spas.

d) As far as possible the Jews are to be concentrated in cities or in sections of large cities, where the population is already predominantly Jewish. There, ghettos are to be established, and the Jews are to be prohibited from leaving these ghettos.

In the ghettos the Jews are to receive only as much food as the rest of the population can spare, but not more than is required for their bare subsistence. The same applies to the allocation of other essential goods.

The inmates of the ghettos will regulate their internal affairs by an administration of their own, which will be supervised by the Gebietskommissar or Stadtskommissar or a person appointed by him. Jews can be assigned as police for internal order. They may be equipped at most with rubber truncheons and sticks, and are to be identified by wearing white armbands with a yellow Jewish star on the right upper arm.

The external hermetic sealing of the ghetto is to be carried out by auxiliary police drawn from the local population.

Permission must be obtained from the Gebietskommissar before any person may enter the ghetto.

e) Jews fit for work will be drafted for forced labor as required. The economic interests of deserving members of the local population should not be harmed by the use of Jewish forced labor. Forced labor can be performed by working parties outside the ghettos, or in the ghettos, or, where a ghetto has not yet been established, by single persons outside (for instance, in the workshop of the Jew).

Payment for the work need not be based on performance, but should cover only the bare subsistence of the forced laborer and members of his family not capable of working, taking into account other monies at his disposal.

The private establishments and persons on whose behalf the forced labor is being carried out will pay an appropriate sum into the payments office of the Gebietskommissar, which in turn, will pay the forced laborers. Special orders will be issued regarding the accounting for these monies.

VI. The Generalkommissare will decide whether to order the measures under Para. V. for the entire districts at one time or whether to leave their introduction to be carried out separately by the Gebietskommissare. The Generalkommissare are also authorized to issue more detailed instruction within the framework of these directives or to instruct their Gebietskommissar to do so.




Higher SS and Police Leader (Hoeherer SS- und Polizeifuehrer)







Source: Yad Vashem