history. & Bookstore: Jewish-Christian Relations
Baeck, Leo. Judaism and Christianity. PA: Jewish Publication Society, 1958.
Bemporad, Jack, and Shevack, Michael. Our Age: The Historic New Era of Christian-Jewish Understanding. NY: New York City Press, 1996.
Bernardin, Joseph. A Blessing to Each Other; Cardinal Joseph Bernardin and Jewish Catholic Dialogue. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1996.
Bradshaw, Paul, and Hoffman, Lawrence. Eds. Passover and Easter. South Bend: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999.
Cernera, Anthony J., Ed. Toward Greater Understanding: Essays in Honor of John Cardinal O'Connor. CT: Sacred Heart University, 1995.
Caroll, James. Constantine's Sword: The Church and the Jews: A History. NY: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2001.
Cohen, Naomi W. ed. Essential Papers on Jewish-Christian Relations in the United States: Imagery and Reality. NY: NYU Press, 1991.
Cohen, Jeremy. ed. Essential Papers on Judaism and Christianity in Conflict: from Late Antiquity to the Reformation. NY: NYU Press, 1991.
Eakin, Frank. What Price Prejudice? Christian Antisemitism in America. Mahwah: Paulist Stimulus, 1998
Efroymson, David, Fisher, Eugene J., and Klenicki, Leon, editors. Within Context: Essays on Jews and Judaism in the New Testament. MN: Liturgical Press, 1993.
Erst, Anna Marie. Discovering Our Roots: A Simple guide to Judaism. Mahwah: Paulist, 1996.
Falk, Randall, and Harrelson, Jacob. Jews and Christians in Pursuit of Social Justice. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996.
Greeley, Andrew, and Neusner, Jacob. Common Ground: A Priest and a Rabbi Read Scripture Together. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1996.
Fisher, Eugene J. Faith Without Prejudice. New York: Crossroad, 1993.
Fisher, Eugene J. Interwoven Destinies. New York: Paulist Press, 1993.
Fisher, Eugene J. Visions of the Other. New York: Paulist Press, 1994.
Fisher, Eugene J, and Klenicki, Leon. Spiritual Pilgrimage: Pope John Paul II, Texts on Jews and Judaism 1979-1995. New York: Crossroad, 1995.
Garber, Zev. Peace, In Deed. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998.
Greenberg, Irving. For the Sake of Heaven and Earth .PA: Jewish Publications Society, 2004.
Hay, Malcolm. Europe and the Jews: The Pressure of Christendom on the People of Israel for 1,900 Years. Chicago Review Press, 2005.
Kertzer, David. The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican's Role in Modern Anti-Semitism. NY: Knopf, 2001.
Lapide, Pinchas E. Hebrew in the Church: The Foundations of Jewish-Christian Dialogue. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1985.
Marchione, Margherita. Yours is a Precious Witness: Memoirs of Jews and Catholics in Wartime. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1997.
Novak, David. Jewish Christian Dialogue: A Jewish Justification. NY: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Rivkin, Ellis. What Crucified Jesus? Messianism, Pharisaism and the Development of Christianity. NY: UAHC Press, 1997.
Royal, Robert. Jacques Maritain and the Jews. University of Notre Dame Press, 1994.
Schuster, Ekkehard, and Boschert-Kimmig, Reinhold. Hope Against Hope: Johann Baptist Metz and Elie Wiesel Speak Out on the Holocaust. Mahwah: Paulist Stimulus, 1999.
Shafiroff, Ira. Every Christians Book on Judaism. CA: Noga Press, 1998.
Shermis, Michael and Arthur Zannoni. Introduction to Jewish-Christian Relations. NJ: Paulist Press, 1991.
Sigal, Gerald. The Jew and the Christian Missionary: A Jewish Response to Missionary Christianity. Israel: Ktav Publishing House, 1981.
Willebrands, Cardinal Johannes. Church and Jewish People: New Considerations. NY: Paulist Press, 1994.
Wright, Fred. Father, Forgive Us: A Christian Response to the Church's Heritage of Jewish Persection. Monarch Books (2002).
Zannoni, Arthur. Jews and Christians Speak of Jesus. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1994.