Bibliography & Bookstore: For Children & Young Readers
Adler, David A. Chanukkah in Chelm. Lothrop Lee & Shepard, 1997.
Aylesworth, Jim. My Grandfather's Coat. Scholastic Press, 2014.
Balsley, Tilda. Lotsa Matzah. Kar-Ben Publishing, 2013.
Bari, Ellen. The Tattered Prayer Book. Gihon River Press, 2013.
Cline-Ransome, Lesa. Benny Goodman and Teddy Wilson: Taking the Stage As the First Black-and-White Jazz Band in History. Dreamscape Media, 2014.
Cohn, Janice, D.S.W. The Christmas Menorahs: How a Town Fought Hate. Albert Whitman & Co., 1995.
Dauvillier, Loic. Hidden: A Child's Story of the Holocaust. NY: First Second, 2014.
Fishman, Cathy. On Hanukkah. NY: Atheneum, 1998.
Glaser, Linda. The Borrowed Hanukkah Latkes. Albert Whitman & Co., 1997.
Glaser, Linda. Stone Soup with Matzoh Balls: A Passover Tale in Chelm. Albert Whitman & Co., 2014.
Groner, Judyth Saypol. All About Sukkot. Kar-Ben Copies, 1998.
Gruenbaum, Michael. Somewhere There Is Still a Sun. Aladdin, 2015.
Heiligman, Deborah. Holidays Around the World: Celebrate Passover. National Geographic Children's Books, 2010.
Heymsfeld, Carla. The Matzah Ball Fairy. Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1996.
House, Anne Frank. Anne Frank in the World: 1929-1945. NY: Knopf, 2001.
Hyman, Trina Schart. Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins. Holiday House, 1994.
Johnston, Tony. The Harmonica, Watertown: Charlesbridge Publishing, 2004.
Jules, Jacqueline. Never Say a Mean Word Again: A Tale from Medieval Spain. Wisdom Tales, 2014.
Kimmel, Eric A. The Magic Dreidels: A Hanukkah Story. Holiday House, 1997.
Lanton, Sandy. The Littlest Levine. Kar-Ben Publishing, 2014.
Kimmelman, Leslie. The Little Red Hen and the Passover Matzah. Holiday House, 2011.
Leslie, Kimmelmanm. Sound the Shofar : A Story for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. NY: Harpercollins Juvenile Books, 1998.
Kuskin, Karla. A Great Miracle Happened There: A Chanukkah Story. NY: Harper Trophy, 1995.
Levine, Arthur A. All the Lights in the Night. Mulberry Books, 1997.
Linnea, Sharon. Raoul Wallenberg: The Man Who Stopped Death. PA: Jewish Publication Society, 1994.
Lowry, Lois. Number the Stars. Laureleaf, 1998.
Manushkin, Fran. Latkes and Applesauce : A Hanukkah Story (A Blue Ribbon Book). Scholastic Trade, 1992.
Manushkin, Fran. Miriam's Cup : A Passover Story. Scholastic Trade, 1998.
Michelson, Richard. Grandpa's Gamble. NY: Marshall Cavendish, 1999.
Michelson, Richard. Too Young for Yiddish. MA: Talewinds, 2002.
Milne. A. A. Disney's Winnie the Pooh and the Hanukkah Dreidel. Mouse Works, 1998.
Mochizuki, Ken. Passage to Freedom: The Sugihara Story. NY: Lee & Low Books, Inc., 1997.
Nobleman, Marc Tyler and Ross MacDonald. Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2008.
Ofanansky, Allison. The Patchwork Torah. MN: Kar-Ben Publishing, 2014.
Parrish, Shelley Berlin. Sharing Grandma's Gift. WI: Mooseworks, 2000.
Portnoy, Mindy Avra. A Tale of Two Seders. Kar-Ben Publishing, 2010.
Potok, Chaim. The Sky of Now. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.
Potok, Chaim. The Tree of Here. NY: Random House Childrens Books, 1993.
Pushker, Gloria Teles. Toby Belfer Visits Ellis Island. LA: Pelican Publishing Company, 2003.
Rockliff, Mara. Chik Chak Shabbat. Candlewick, 2014.
Rosenthal, Sally. Matzah Frogs. NewSouth Books, 2014.
Rouss, Sylvia A. Sammy Spider's First Hanukkah. Kar-Ben Copies, 1993.
Rouss, Sylvia A. Sammy Spider's First Passover. Kar-Ben Copies, 1995.
Rouss, Sylvia A. Sammy Spider's First Purim. Kar-Ben Copies, 2000.
Rouss, Sylvia A. Sammy Spider's First Rosh Hashanah. Kar-Ben Copies, 1996.
Rouss, Sylvia A. Sammy Spider's First Shabbat. Kar-Ben Copies, 1998.
Sasso, Sandy Eisenberg. Abuelita's Secret Matzahs. Clerisy Press, 2005.
Schotter, Roni. Passover Magic. NY: Little Brown & Co., 1998.
Singer, Isaac Bashevis. Power of Light. NY: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1990.
Smith, C.V. Bettie Parker's Backyard. Avid Readers Publishing Group, 2011.
Snyder, Laurel. The Longest Night: A Passover Story. Schwartz & Wade, 2013.
Weber, Elka. The Yankee at the Seder. Tricycle Press, 2009.
Yacowitz, Caryn. I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Dreidel. Arthur A. Levine Books, 2014.
Yorinks. Arthur et al. Arthur Yorinks's The Flying Latke. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1999.
Zalben, Jane Breskin. Beni's Family Treasury: Stories for the Jewish Holidays. NY: Henry Holt & Company, Inc., ND.
Ziefert, Harriet. What Is Passover? NY: Harpercollins Juvenile Books, 1994.