Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp: Photographs
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The German military secretary at Bergen-Belsen Fraulein Horra under British detention
Survivors in Bergen-Belsen walking near a large pile of shoes.
British troops supervising clean-up of Bergen-Belsen
Arrest of Josef Kramer, last Commandant of Auschwitzwho moved operations to Bergen-Belsen at the end of 1944 when Auschwitz was evacuated. Kramer is shown under arrest by British military. He was tried as a war criminal and hanged.
A crematorium oven where the corpses of prisoners were burned in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp
Mass Grave in Bergen-Belsen
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen,
and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones. -
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
These photographs were taken by RAF Sgt. James Gunn, who was stationed in Europe at the time of the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, and were donated by his daughter, Carly Jones.
Survivors in a barracks in Bergen-Belsen at liberation.
SS wardresses transfer bodies of their victims to a mass grave at Bergen-Belsen
SS women helping bury bodies at Bergen-Belsen
Women survivors suffering from Typhus in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
Women survivors in Bergen-Belsen peeling potatoes.
Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies: Education Resources, USHMM, Shoah-the Holocaust