Baitos (Boethus) ben Zonin
BAITOS (Boethus) BEN ZONIN (beginning of second century), respected and wealthy resident of Lydda, whose home was a meeting place for scholars. It is related that the rabbis, headed by Rabban *Gamaliel of Jabneh, "reclined in the home of Baitos b. Zonin in Lydda and discussed Passover halakhot the whole of that night [of the *Passover Seder] until cockcrow" (Tosef., Pes. 10:12). He also discussed halakhic problems with the rabbis (TJ, Pes. 2:end of 4, 29c; Pes. 37a). Baitos conducted his life in accordance with the teachings of the rabbis, particularly *Eleazar b. Azariah (Meg. 27b; BM 63a; BB 13b), and his conduct is cited in tannaitic sources as evidence for the halakhah in both ritual and monetary matters (BM 5:3; Av. Zar. 5:2).
Hyman, Toledot, 270.
Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.