Abdul Karim Abu Salah
(1955 - )
Born 1955, Khan Yunis. Married with four children.
M.A. International Relations, Cairo University, Egypt
B.A. in Law Cairo University
Before becoming the Minister of Justice, Abu Salah was an Independent Palestinian Legislative Council representative from Khan Yunis, a town in southern Gaza. He was the Chairman of PLC's Legal Committee, and was a member of the PLC Budget and Financial Affairs committee. He is also a member of the PLO Central Committee.
Abu Salah is one of two Palestinian Authority Ministers on the 1997 Higher Committee for Local Elections, a committee of thirteen, authorized by Arafat to administer Palestinian municipal elections.
Abu Salah is active in the Palestinian Bar Association and Teacher's Association.
As Chairman of the Palestinian Legal Committee, Abu Salah was involved with the signing of the Basic Law by Yasser Arafat, and its implementation. The Basic Law was signed five years after it was approved by the Palestine Legislative Council. The Basic Law is a constitution that defines the separation of powers between Arafat (the executive authority) and the PLC (parliament's authority). It languished un-signed, until overwhelming international pressure forced Arafat's hand.
By trade Mr. Abu Salah is a lawyer. His entree into politics appears to be as a reformer.
Sources: Palestine Media Center; CNN.com; MiddleEastReference.org.uk; DAWN.com; AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE, (May 30, 2002); ArabNews.com