Wikileaks on the Middle East: Leaked Cables on the Arab/Islamic World
- Chinese Company Exports Missile-Related Material to Iran (January 2)
- Leaked Cable Reveals Previously Undisclosed Participants in 9/11 (February 11)
- U.S. Asks Nations to Block Iranian Arms Transfer to Hamas (January 22)
- Saudis Warn Gulf States May Go Nuclear to Deter Iran (January 28)
- IDF: U.S. and Egyptian Assistance Critical to Slow Hamas Weapons Smuggling (February 19)
- U.S. Warns Jordan and Egypt to Block Iranian Arms Transfer to Syria and Hamas (March 17)
- Saudis Fear Shia Alliance of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan (April 9)
- Israel's Assessment of Iran's Nuclear Intentions (May 13)
- Iran Acquires South Korean Machine Tools via Turkish Intermediary (May 15)
- Under Secretary Levey Discusses Iran with Egyptian Delegation (May 28)
- Terrorists Use Hajj as Cover to Collect Donations (May 29)
- Barak Warns Window to Thwart Iran's Nuclear Ambitions is Closing (June 2)
- Iran Seeks Training from Ukrainian Scientists (July 24)
- Fatah Expects Little Progress in Reconciliation Talks with Hamas (July 25)
- Kuwait Distrusts Iran's Intentions in Gulf Region and Yemen (August 2)
- Pakistani Terrorist Group Fundraises in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf (August 10)
- John McCain's Trip to Libya (August 10)
- Amb. Rice and Israeli DFM Ayalon Meeting After Goldstone Report Release (September 16)
- Amb. Rice and FM Lieberman Discuss Negotiations and Goldstone Report (October 27)
- Israeli Ambassador Discusses Erdogan's "Israel Problem" (October 27)
- Bahraini King Urges U.S. to Halt Iran's Nuclear Program (November 4)
- Israel Warns Iran is Bent on Nuclear Bomb (November 18)
- UAE Warns U.S. About Iran (December 17)
- Israeli PM Netanyahu Frustrated with Abbas and Peace Process (December 18)
- Saudi Arabia a Financial Support Base for Terrorism (December 30)
- Egypt Promises Pressure on Hamas and Views Iran as Threat (January 2)
- Saudi King Urges U.S. Strike on Iran (April 20)
- Why the Nine Jews of Baghdad Stay in Baghdad (May 8)
- U.S. Reviews Progress with Palestinian Leaders (July 3)
- Chinese Firms Export Dual-Use Commodities to Iran (August 1)
- Syria Suspects Israel in Assassination of Assad's Aid (August 3)
- Oman Wary of Iranian Expansionism (August 7)
- Evaluation of Israeli Defense Minister Barak's Trip to Egypt (August 29)
- Iranian Government Uses Red Crescent to Smuggle Weapons (October 23)
- Israel Kept Gaza Economy Functioning at Lowest Level (November 3)
- Israeli Threat Assessment (December 8)
- U.S. Assures Israeli Officials of Efforts to Combat Terrorist Financing (December 10)
- Ambassador Jones Briefing on Political Scene of Israel (January 8)
- Israel Wants International Effort to Detach Syria from Iran (July 26)
- Israel Grateful for U.S. Security Assistance Agreement (August 31)
- U.S. and Israel Discussions on Iran, the IAEA and UN Security Council (December 13)
- U.S. and Israel Discussions on Counterproliferation Finance and Iran (December 13)
- Repairing Egyptian-Israeli Communications (December 17)
- U.S. Envoy Discusses Security Concerns with Israel (December 20)
- Israel Evaluates Foreign Assistance Projects in Palestinian Territories (February 15)
- U.S. Suspects Hezbollah Activity in Chile (February 27)
- Israeli Response to Proposed U.S. Defense Sales to Middle East (March 13)
- Lebanese Army Prepared to Strike Hezbollah for Firing on Israel (August 7)
- Israel Discusses West Bank and Gaza with the U.S. (October 12)
- Israel Sees Iran as Primary Security Threat (March 17)
- U.S. and Israel in Agreement on Iranian Intentions (March 17)
- Israel Discusses Disengagement and Terrorist Attacks Increase (July 15)
- Israeli Maj.-Gen. Gilad's Report on Meeting with Egyptian Intelligence Chief Suleiman (September 27)
- Israel Expresses Concern Over Fatah Infighting (November 28)
- Humanitarian Situation in West Bank and Gaza (March 11)
- New Zealand Uncomfortable with Hamas Praise (July 19)
- Discussion with PLO Regarding Ma'alot Attack (May 17)
- Ma'alot Tragedy and Fedayeen Leadership (May 16)
- An Interview With a Black September Leader (March 29)