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UN Human Rights Council: Letter to the UN Security General on the appointment of William Schabas

Letter written by Israel's ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, on their recent appointment of William Schabas to chair the Gaza Commission of Inquiry.

The following is a letter written on August 12 2014 by the Israeli ambassador to the UN, Ron Proser. The letter condemns the UN's recent appointment of William Schabas to chair the Gaza Commission of Inquiry and investigate whether or not war crimes were committed in the Gaza Strip during Operation Protective Edge. Schabas's anti-Israel bias has been prevalent throughout his entire career, and Israeli officials are extremely displeased with his new appointment. This appointment decision was also criticized by the Canadian Foreign Minister John Bard, and by the NGO known as "UN Watch".  Schabas has made statements in the past that lead critics of this decision to believe that he is "out to get" Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as many other Israeli officials.  He has stated before that he thinks that Netanyahu belongs "in the dock of an international court", and he thinks that we should "go after the President of Israel for Gaza".  Someone with a clear bias like this should not be presiding over an investigation of this nature. 

H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon
United Nations 
New York


Yesterday the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) set a new record for anti-Israel bias and proved once again, that it would be better named the “Human Wrongs Council.” It is a complete travesty of justice to invite one of the most outspoken critics of Israel to serve as its judge and jury. This is like inviting ISIS to chair the UN’s World Interfaith Harmony Week. 

The selection of William Schabas to chair the Gaza commission of inquiry is an utter farce. The only inquiry taking place should be an inquiry into how a vehemently anti-Israel chair was selected to lead a UN commission investigating Israel.

Mr. Schabas’s agenda is clear. He has repeatedly called for the prosecution of Prime Minister Netanyahu and former President Shimon Peres saying, “My favorite would be Netanyahu within the dock of the International Criminal Court.” 

In light of his hate-fuelled rants, one doesn’t need to be a fortune teller to predict the outcome of any inquiry led by Mr. Schabas. Furthermore, the exploitation of the UNHRC by some of the world’s worst human rights abusers is a grave misfortune for the millions of oppressed people around the world. While the Council is singularly focused on its anti-Israeli agenda, the world’s most murderous tyrants continue brutalizing their people.  

I call on you to publically denounce the appointment of Mr. Schabas.  His selection is a disgraceful stain on the values that the UN claims to stand for.  

Please accept, Excellency, the assurance of my highest consideration. 

Yours truly,

Ron Prosor
Permanent Representative

Sources:Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs