U.S.-Russian Invitations to the Middle East Peace Talks
(March 10, 1993)
In the wake of Secretary of State Christopher's visit to the Middle East, it was left for him and his Russian counterpart, Mr. Kozyrev, to issue the formal invitations to the parties to resume the peace talks. The co-sponsors expressed the hope that 1993 would be a year of substantive progress toward peace. Text:
The United States and Russia, as co-sponsors of the Middle East peace process, have extended invitations to Israel, Jordan, Syria, the Palestinians, and Lebanon to resume bilateral negotiations in Washington on Tuesday, April 20 [1993]. This ninth round of negotiations will continue until Thursday, May 6.
In conveying this invitation to the parties, the co-sponsors have re-emphasized their commitment and determination to achieve substantive progress toward the common objective of a comprehensive peace settlement based on UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. The co-sponsors have conveyed to the parties their intention to work with the parties actively to promote substantive progress in the negotiations.
The co-sponsors have also notified host countries for the next round of multilateral working groups that the working groups have been rescheduled. The co-sponsors have proposed that the Water Working Group convene in Geneva, April 27-29; that the Economic Development Working Group convene in Rome, May 4-5; that the Refugee Working Group convene in Oslo, May 11-13; that the Arms Control and Regional Security Working Group convene in Washington, May 17-20; and that the Environment Working Group convene in Tokyo, May 24-25.
With the resumption of both bilateral and multilateral negotiations, the cosponsors join the parties in expressing their conviction that 1993 should be a year of substantive progress toward peace and reconciliation.