Exclusive Book & Movie Reviews: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in Full Color Brave and Desperate, Edited by Danny Dor, Israel: Ghetto Fighters' House Museum, 2003, 208 pages
by Mitchell Bard
There is something incongruous about saying that a book about the Warsaw Ghetto uprising is beautiful, but Brave and Desperate is a visually stunning book on the topic. It is in a coffee table book format, but I probably still wouldn't put it on mine. It is a book that deserves to be studied and placed in every library. The book tells the story of Polish Jewry in detail and has powerful photos and graphics as well as useful sidebars with interesting quotations and profiles of key figures in the story. The book is published by the Ghetto Fighters' House Museum, which was established at Kibbutz Beit Lohamei Haghetaot in Israel by survivors who moved to Western Galilee to build new homes for themselves.
Sources: Mitchel Bard is the Executive Director of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise