The Second United States Initiative
(June 19, 1970)
In the spring and summer of 1970, the United States realized that the War of Attrition was fraught with the risk of Great Power confrontation. As the Jarring Mission was still deadlocked, the United States Government decided to undertake a new initiative with the object of bringing about a cease-fire on the Israel-Egypt front and resumption of the Jarring talks. On 19 June 1970, the United States made its proposals to Israel, Jordan and Egypt. They were also communicated to the Soviet Union:
" . . . Ambassador Jarring will inform the UN Secretary-General that, the parties having indicated their willingness to carry out Security Council Resolution 242 in all its parts, they will designate representatives to discussions to be held under his auspices. The discussions will be held according to such procedures and at such places and times as the Secretary-General's envoy may recommend, taking into account the parties' preferences and the procedures under which such discussions were held in the past between the parties.
The purpose of these discussions is to reach agreement on the establishment of a just and lasting peace between the parties, based on:
(1) Mutual acknowledgement by the UAR (Jordan) and Israel of each other's sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence, and ...
(2) Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied in the 1967 conflict,
Both in accordance with Security Council Resolution 242. In order to facilitate Ambassador Jarring's task to promote agreement as set forth in Resolution 242, the parties will-strictly observe (for three months at least) the cease-fire resolutions of the Security Council."