The Ten Sefirot: Tiferet
Glory, beautyDescription
Tiferet represents the ideal balance of Justice and Mercy needed for proper running of the universe.
This Sefirah unites all the upper nine powers.
Tif'eret is the offspring of Hokhmah and Binah.
Human Imagery (Primordial Man)
- Spine, torso.
Biblical Figures
- Jacob/Israel.
- Moses.
- Adam.
Names of God
The Tetragrammaton (the four-letter name of God: YHVH)
The Lord
The letter "Vav" of the Tetragrammaton
The Holy One, Blessed be He (the common epithet for God in Rabbinic literature)
- Green
- Purple
Other Symbols and Images
- Compassion (Rahamim).
- Truth.
- Judgment (Mishpat).
- Humility
- Heaven.
- The sun, day.
- Harmony.
- King.
It is often symbolized as a bridegroom or prince who strives to be united with the Shekhinah. Their union produces the human soul.
- "Thou" ('attah); "'Anokhi" (a rarer form of "I").
- The Tree of Life.
- The Written Torah, Torah scroll.
- Ze'ir Anpin--the Impatient (literally: Short-faced) One.
- Milk and honey.
- The candelabrum (menorah).
- The golden altar.
Sources: Prof. Eliezer Segal