Telephone Conversation between Prime Minister Rabin and President Mubarak
(November 19, 1992)
On the 15th anniversary of the Sadat visit to Jerusalem, Mr. Rabin expressed his gratitude to President Mubarak and the Egyptian people for their determination to continue the peace process and for the key role they are playing in advancing the cause of Israel-Arab peace. Text:
Prime Minister and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, this morning (Thursday); 19.11.92, phoned Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the visit to Israel by President Sadat. Rabin said that the historic visit of President Sadat to Jerusalem opened a new chapter in the lives of Egypt and Israel. Prime Minister Rabin thanked President Mubarak and the Egyptian people for the courage and determination to continue the peace - thereby demonstrating to the other Arab nations how peace can benefit all states in the region, and around the world. The prime minister added that the peace talks now being conducted can, in the future, lead to only one path - the path of peace - and there is no doubt that the leadership of President Mubarak and the path of Egypt are testimony to the fact that peace is possible and vital.
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak told Rabin that the visit of President Sadat to Jerusalem opened the door for peace in Egypt, Israel and the Middle East. He noted that Egypt is continuing to do everything in its power to assist and expand the peace, and to achieve a general peace for the benefit of all sides - including Israel. President Mubarak said: "Both Egypt and I will continue to work for an assist the advancement of the peace negotiations now being conducted between Arab nations and Israel." He concluded his remarks with good wishes to the prime minister and the State of Israel.