Tractate Taanit: Synopsis of Subjects
MISHNA I. The difference of opinion about the mention of the power of rain in the prayer on the days of Tabernacles. Whence do we know that mention must be made. Who of the readers shall mention it on the feast of Passover. Must one repeat his prayer if he made no mention? Three men prayed to God for things that were not suitable. The congregation of Israel also prayed for an improper thing,
MISHNA II. Till what time is the rain to be prayed for. What was eaten during the seven years of famine [II Kings, viii.] Jacob, our father, never died. When begin the rain fructifications? The knowledge of the Law is an elixir of life. Why the words of the Law are Compared to water, wine, and milk. To what the day of rain is equal in importance. The different explanations of the interpretation of the passage Eccles. x. 10. Come and see how great are the men who have faith (see footnote, pp. 18, 19). When there are famine and pestilence what shall be prayed for? The explanation of the passage "thou shalt truly tithe." When Aaron died the pillar of cloud left, etc. What happened to the disciples of Rabha when he died? About the measurements of the Gehenna and the Garden of Eden,
MISHNAS III. to V. From what time in fall must rain be prayed and fasted for if it has not descended? The punishment of one who leaves the congregation when the latter is in trouble, in order to avoid it. What means the "God of truth." Who is called a sinner when he fasteth? Is a fast of hours considered? Until what time may food be partaken of on the day preceding the fast? If fast-days pass without answer, what shall be done? What would the elders do when they assembled in the morning? The query to Rabbi by the inhabitants of Nineveh. Not every one has a right to rend his clothes (when praying),
MISHNA I. What is the order of procedure on the fast-days? What has happened to Halaphta and Hanina b. Teradion? About the days that are mentioned in the "Roll of Fasts." On what days of the week the order of fasts may begin. Why do they congregate in an open place? Why are ashes strewn on the heads of all? Who has a right to address the congregation? What the reader has to say to each benediction. The strife carried on between the Pharisees and Bathusees concerning the continual daily offering (see footnote, p. 44), Has one to complete his fast if rain descends?
MISHNA I. On what fast-days an alarm must be sounded. What happened to Honi Hama'gel and what message Simeon b. Shetah sent to him. What is considered a plague causing death? What price must grain reach in order to arrange a fast? The legend of Nakdimon b. Gurion when he borrowed water from a heathen. For the sake of Moses, Joshua, and Nakdimon the sun shone. The good things that R. Huna did, and what Rabha had to say to this. Concerning the sickness of Shaibatha. The legend of Hilpha and Johanan when they studied together, and what they heard of the angels. What happened to Na'hum of Gimzo, and the legend about it. The men who have a share in the world to come, who were pointed out by Elijah (the prophet) to Beroka of Huzaah. An alarm should be sounded over attacks of wild beasts, etc. For a pest an alarm should be sounded even on a Sabbath. What is meant by the passage Levit. xxvi. 4. The legend about Honi Hama'gel at length, and how he slept seventy years. The legend about Abba Helkyah, his grandson, and also of Hanan the Hidden, who was a grandson of his daughter. How the Amoraim of Palestine prayed for rain and how those of Babylon did. What happened to Oshiya, the youngest of the college, with the Nasi when he had ordered a fast-day. The merits of the men who have prayed for rain in the presence of Rabbi and Rabh (at different places) and were answered at once. Legends about different Amoraim who have prayed for rain that were or were not answered. The legend at length of Hanina b. Dosa, his wife, etc. How much rain should fall in order that the congregation should stop fasting? What happened with Samuel the Little when he ordered a fast,
MISHNA I. The periods of the year at which the priests shall raise their hands for prayer. When the standing men used to fast. The days when Hallel was sung. The five calamities that happened on the seventeenth of Tamuz and those on the ninth of Ab. What is prohibited during the week of the ninth of Ab. The festivals of the fifteenth of Ab and the Day of Atonement. The twenty-four watches which were in the land of Israel. How many watches were established by Moses, and how many by David. What did the men of the watches pray for? Who were the Gonebe Eli and Kotze Ketzioth? Who were the family of Pa'hath Moab ben Jehudah, etc.? Whence do we know that the five calamities have happened on the seventeenth of Tamuz? Whence do we know that the second Temple was also burned on the ninth of Ab? Also that the city of Bethar was conquered on that day? What is allowed to eat on the afternoon of the eve of the ninth of Ab? Which ordinance of mourning is applicable to the ninth of Ab? The custom of Jehudah bar Ilai on the night preceding the ninth of Ab. What occurrence makes the fifteenth of Ab a festival? What Elazar has to say about the ring of righteousness that the Holy One, blessed be He, will make in the future in the Garden of Eden,
Sources: Biblical Texts