Suicide Bombings at Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem
(July 30, 1997)
On July 30, 1997, two Hamas suicide bombers carried out attacks at the Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem, the city’s main open-air fruit and vegetable market and a popular tourist destination. Sixteen people, including one American, were killed and 178 were injured. The terrorists, carrying bags filled with explosives and nails, detonated their devices 150 feet apart almost simultaneously in a central alley in the popular outdoor market at 1:15 p.m.
The following people died in the attack:
Lev Desyatnik, 60, of Jerusalem
Regina Giber, 76, of Jerusalem
Valentina Kovalenko, 67, of Jerusalem
Shmuel Malka, 44, of Mevaseret Zion
David Nasco, 44, of Mevaseret Zion
Muhi A-din Othman, 33, of Eilabun
Simha Fremd, 92, of Jerusalem
Gregory Paskhovitz, 15, of Jerusalem
Leah Stern, 50, of Jerusalem
Rachel Tejgatrio, 83, of Jerusalem
Liliya Zheleznyak, 47, of Jerusalem
Shalom (Golan) Zevulun, 52, of Jerusalem
Mark Rabinowitz, 80, of Jerusalem
Eli Adourian, 49, of Kfar Adumim (died on 11 August)
Ilya Gazarkh, 73, of Jerusalem (died on 29 August)
Baruch Ostrovsky, 84, of Jerusalem (died on 3 October 1997)
Source: “1997 Mahane Yehuda Market bombings,” Wikipedia.
Photo: Sir kiss, Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.