Stutthof: Photographs
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Building The First Barracks at Stutthof
Commander`s Building at Stutthof
Prisoners involved in the construction of Stutthof queue up for food.
Death Gate at the Entrance of Stutthof
Female prisoners eat their rations on board a barge in the Baltic Sea after being evacuated from Stutthof.
Stutthof Commander Max Pauly welcomes Heinrich Himmler
Investigation At The Former Crematorium At Stutthof
Lunch Break During the Building of Stutthof
A Polish POW stands at attention in the roll call area at Stutthof.
View of the rabbit cages and livestock barns at Stutthof.
SS-Sturmbannführer Max Pauly — Commander of KL Stutthof
SS-Sturmbannführer Paul Werner Hoppe — Commander of KL Stutthof
Stutthof Commander Max Pauly Commander Max Pauly and his SS-staff at the entrance of the camp
Two unenclosed crematory ovens in the Stutthof concentration camp.
Stutthof Gas Chamber
View From the Commander`s Building Over the “Old Camp” at Stutthof
View of Stutthof After Liberation
Sources: National Stutthof Museum, USHMM