RETHYMNON (Retimo), town in Crete, in the W. central part of the island. Jews of Rethymnon lived in their special quarter during the Venetian rule over Crete (1204–1669). At first some of them possessed shops and portions of land outside their quarter. They had the inferior status of vilani and not that of Venetian citizens. They were compelled to pay taxes both as Jews and as vilani. They were also required to contribute lump sums to the treasury. After the conquest of the town by the Turks in 1647, the Jews left because of economic reasons. They did not return after this date.
F. Thiriet, Régestes des Délibérations du Sénat de Venise concernant la Romanie, 3 vols. (1958–61), index.
Sources: Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2007 The Gale Group. All Rights Reserved.