Proposal to Ribbentrop to Liquidate Danish Anti-Semitic Newspaper
Memorandum for Lecture*
In Copenhagen, there was a Stuermer -style anti-Jewish newspaper called Kamptegnet, run by Aage Andersen, long the pioneer among antisemitic currents in Denmark and a man who has maintained close relations with Germany. The newspaper is supported topically by articles and pictures that are given it — mainly by the Stuermer — and financially by a monthly allocation of 8,000 krone under the auspices of the Reich Minister to Denmark.
As a result of political developments in Denmark, and in part, one presumes, because of lack of celebrity on Aage Andersens part, the circulation of the newspaper fell to 4,000 subscribers and finally to 1,800. Since the newspaper is no longer economically viable, the press department has given instructions to have it liquidated and its tradition handed on to the newspaper published by Klausen, the National Socialist. As explained by the person in charge of this matter at the Office of the Reich Minister (on behalf of the Minister, Dr. Best), an examination of the condition of Kamptegnet indicates that it cannot be liquidated because even after all of its assets are realized, it would still be in debt to the sum of 20,000 krone, approximately 10,500 marks. On the other side of the ledger, Aage Andersen has brought a personal claim against the Anti-Comintern for 7,000 marks, which should not be realized in Copenhagen, and there is anti-Jewish literature worth approximately 3,000 marks that cannot be sold at the present time but may be put to use again later on.
After studying the matter thoroughly, the Minister, Dr. Best, believes that the 10,000 krone in foreign currency needed to liquidate Kamptegnet cannot be obtained. Thus, Kamptegnet will have to declare bankruptcy unless this sum is authorized on our end.
The Inland Department believes it a highly dubious matter to allow the bankruptcy of a newspaper that has been supported by the Reich for so long and is always immersed in the anti-Jewish world. International Jewry would immediately exploit this in its propaganda, and such an outcome may also shake the confidence of all the people abroad who have been working with us in the anti-Jewish front and relying on support from the Reich.
Therefore, the Inland Department proposes that an allocation of 10,500 marks in foreign currency be transferred from the Foreign Ministry budget to the Reich Minister for the liquidation of Kamptegnet , against receipt of Kamptegnet assets that cannot be used at the present time.
(Note in the margin: “Yes. R”)
I stress the special need to make the decision promptly, because Kamptegnet 's main creditor, a printer, went bankrupt at the same time and is applying pressure to have the debt paid. Thus, the public bankruptcy of Kamptegnet can be avoided only by tendering assistance immediately.
Berlin, June 10, 1943
* Referred to the Foreign Minister.
Source: Yad Vashem Archive JM/2503.
Source: Yad Vashem