Benjamin Netanyahu Administration: Statement on Resumption of the Diplomatic Process
(March 16, 2010)
The State of Israel appreciates and esteems US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's warm remarks regarding the deep bond between the United States and Israel and the US commitment to Israel's security.
Regarding the commitment to peace: In the past year, the Government of Israel has proven its commitment to peace in both word and deed, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's June 14, 2009, Bar-Ilan University speech, the dismantling of hundreds of checkpoints and roadblocks in Judea and Samaria, and the decision to suspend new construction starts in Judea and Samaria for ten months, which Sec. of State Clinton defined as, "unprecedented."
By contrast, the Palestinians have raised preconditions for the resumption of the diplomatic process, such as they have not done in the past 16 years. They are waging an assault to delegitimize Israel in international institutions via the Goldstone report. They are also continuing to incite towards hatred and violence; included in this is the decision to dedicate a square in Ramallah after the woman terrorist responsible for murdering 38 Israelis.
Prime Minister Netanyahu again calls on the Palestinians to enter into the tent of peace without preconditions because this is the only way to reach an agreement that will ensure peace, security and prosperity for both peoples.
Sources: Prime Ministers Office