Concentration Camps Today: Auschwitz
by Jack Hazut
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Camp Gate at Auschwitz
Camp Gate at Auschwitz; Sign Reads "Work Brings Freedom"
Barracks at Auschwitz
Barracks at Auschwitz
Gallows at Auschwitz
Jail at Auschwitz
Solitary confinement cell at Auschwitz
Jail at Auschwitz
Solitary confinement at Auschwitz
Execution wall at Auschwitz
Medical experimentation room at Auschwitz
Crematorium and gas chamber at Auschwitz
Crematorium at Auschwitz
Gas Chamber at Auschwitz
Watchtower at Auschwitz
Electrified Barbed Wire Fence at Auschwitz
Hair from Prisoners at Auschwitz
Eyeglasses from Prisoners at Auschwitz
Suitcases with Names of Prisoners at Auschwitz
Zyklon-B Cannisters at Auschwitz
Shoes from Inmates at Auschwitz
Prostheses taken from Inmates at Auschwitz
Prison Uniform from Auschwitz
Prison Uniforms from Auschwitz
A 14 Year Old Prisoner at Auschwitz
Prisoners at Auschwitz
Prisoners at Auschwitz
© Jack Hazut. No reproduction allowed without written permission from AICE and Jack Hazut.