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The Einsatzgruppen: Operational Situation Report USSR No. 91

(September 27, 1941)

September 27, 1941

48 copies


(36th copy)



Political Survey


The internment of the Jews of the Bialystok into a ghetto is in effect. Preparations for internment in other towns can be considered completed. As agreed between the German mayor of Bialystok, the Einsatzkommando of the Security Police, and the Chief of the Police, a plan has been drawn up to deport the Jews of Bialystok to Pruzhana,except for 3,000 that are required as skilled workers. The deportation of 20,000 Jews is to start this month. It is intended to make of Pruzhana a totally Jewish town.


In the period August 25 to September 9, 1941, 595 persons were executed. This number is composed of Jews, Communists officials, members of the JBV, and dangerous mentally ill persons.

(The Einsatzgruppen Reports by Yitzak Arad, Shmuel Krakowski and Shmuel Spector, editors. p. 147)

Source: The Nizkor Project