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The Einsatzgruppen: Operational Situation Report USSR No. 103

(October 4, 1941)

The Chief of the Security Police and Security Service
October 4, 1941

48 copies


(36th copy)



Einsatzgruppe D
Location: Nikolayev
Volksdeutsche settlements between Bug and Dniestr


Also otherwise, some families were very poor so that often, the more important household utensils like beds, etc. are lacking. The most desperate need was eliminated by the Einsatzgruppe D by placing at their disposals flats or furniture of Jews. Children's beds and other essential objects were brought in.

(The Einsatzgruppen Reports by Yitzak Arad, Shmuel Krakowski and Shmuel Spector, editors. p. 169)

Source: The Nizkor Project